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The product is a new dietary supplement made from hemp seed oil extract. It is designed to be absorbed through the intestines, with a dosage of as much as 25 milligrams of hemp seed oil extract per capsule. In which, The cannabidiol (CBD) extract helps promote deep sleep by reducing cortisol levels which stimulates your body. It helps balance the sleep-wake cycle and is suitable for individuals who have trouble sleeping, experience stress, or wake up in the middle of the night. The product also reduces inflammation, oxidation and reduces wrinkles. Promotes relaxation, and enhances sleep quality. Additionally, it contains vitamin D3, which aids in the absorption of vitamins and helps strengthen bones, joints, and supports the immune system, keeping your blood vessels healthy.

Main Ingredients

Cannabidiol extract from hemp, flaxseed oil, black sesame oil, pumpkin seed extract, vitamin D3

Packaging Size:

1 box contains 30 capsules

How to use

Take 1 capsule before bedtime immediately after a meal.


  • Not recommended for children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women.
  • If there are any abnormal symptoms, discontinue using immediately.
  • May contain THC and CBD, individuals who are allergic or sensitive to these substances should be cautious when consuming.